Trigger Warning

TRIGGER WARNING: Many of my posts contain triggers as I fearlessly inventory my emotions.
Some of these are brutally honest as I veer from negative to positive.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


It's 1am and she casually strolls in after taking our car all day wearing short shorts and a non existent top.  She heads over to the refrigerator to see what she can scrounge up. 

I'm in over my head.  I don't know where she's been or who she's been with.  She doesn't believe in the gospel anymore.  She tried to kill herself. She doesn't have a job.  She's comfortable flaunting her body.  She wants boys to like her.

All I want is to keep her safe and for her to be happy and successful.  I don't want her making the same mistakes I made.  I don't want her following in my footsteps.  I remember after I met H-er I went out rollerblading in my short shorts.  It's all too familiar.  I feel powerless.

Any attempt to set boundaries is going to backfire.  I can already hear her say I'm "controlling." That she'll "turn out that way because I believe she will", and that I "can't ever let things go just like with dad".  She might throw in that she'll just leave and won't ever come back and I'll never see her again.

As I type all of that I hear the manipulation and the narcissism and the selfishness.  And I realize I cannot switch my co-dependency to her.

I have to set some boundaries.  Curfew.  Communication. Employment. Contribution. Church attendance.   She will protest.  She'll probably even move out.  She may stop speaking to me and I may not see her for a while. She may end up pregnant.  She may even end up smoking, drinking, on drugs, and possibly even dead.

The first step:  I am powerless.  I cannot control or save her.  She has agency and will use it to make the wrong choices sometimes.  Embrace the powerlessness. It's okay.

I can't jeopardize my goal of serenity with a co-dependent relationship with her.  I will break these chains of co-dependency.

Serenity now!!!



  1. I'm so sorry you're going through all of this. Finding the right boundaries and enforcing them is hard. I'm grateful for your reminder of the first step. Realising we are powerless. But He isn't, and things happen according to His timing. Thank you for sharing your story.

    1. Thanks. I'm so glad I'm journaling all of this. I look forward to the time when I can look back and say "I'm so glad that emotional roller coaster is behind me!" I know I'm all over the place right now but it helps to get it out instead of keeping it all buried inside.
